Conference: Do As I Do – Fumi Higaki in Poland!
Warsaw University of Life Sciences Nowoursynowska 166, WarsawThe Conference is for those interested in working with dogs and cats based on social learning. Full-day lectures on the Do As I Do method will be conducted by Fumi Higaki, who is a member of the expert team of this method. Fumi Higaki has been working with the DAID method since 2013 alongside PhD.…
Raising awareness
Conference Zelená Lagúna, Vranovská cesta č.900/2, Domaša rekreačná oblasť Dobrá, NYA great opportunity to discuss your problems in a friendly and caring company. Bring a friend!
Conference in Slovakia/Zelená Lagúna Domaša
Zelená Lagúna Vranovská cesta č. 900/2 Domaša rekreačná oblasť Dobrá9:00 Príhovor: PhDr. Mgr. et. Mgr. Martina Čontofalská Michalková, Zmysel života, n. o. (SK) Welfare hospodárskych zvierat (Animal welfare among farm animals): Dr. Christine Olsen, ICofA/ Dyrebar Omsorg (NOR) Intervencie s asistenciou psov na Slovensku optikou procesov profesionalizacie :Doc. PhDr. Denisa Šoltésová, PhD., Trojlístok n.o. (SK) Intervencie s asistenciou psov v nemocniciach (Dog Assisted Interventions…